
26 Concepts of Crystology: Solid-State Physics

Introduction: Solid-State Physics

As we know about the Crystallography term which is a most important branch of geology, that deals with the study of crystals and Laws of Crystallography that are related to the regulates their improvement, Internal and External shape/Structure called Crystallography. Now we will talk about, The terms of Solid-state physics are the explanation of rigid Physical matter, or strong solids, Through techniques such as quantum mechanics and crystals. The largest branch of physics is a thick material. Solid-state physics studies how the properties of solid materials are formed by buildings at the atomic level. Solid-state physics is therefore the theoretical basis of materials science. Through these terms, we discussed the thick subject system diagram, which is very useful for our crystal structure, such as:-

Fig. 1 Shows the Condensed Matter System differentiates between Hard And Soft matter terminology.

Fixed crystal Systems:

The word crystal is identified by the number quartz crystal (a word for crystal formed by two Greek words phonetically cross’-tail-Los = cold + drop), for example, very cool images of hardness. But as we know about crystals and minerals, it does not have the unique formation properties that are also found in so-called organic compounds, defined nucleic acids, proteins, and viruses. The crystal structure is somewhat (repetitive) (repeating pattern), as shown in Diagram 1, which is an example of the formation of carpet crystals found in groups of mirrors, atoms, or molecules. These words are (sometimes) simple. Assuming that we have seen the work on carpets, mosaics, or military parades, then we only show the following images, for example:

Diagram. 1: Shows the repeated sets units value of Carpet and units of parade, similar formation applies in the crystal structures

Now we will discuss about the fixed crystal system, Which matter applies a complex structure of crystal determines in the classification such as:-

Complex Structure of Crystal

  • Octahedron (Fluorite Pyrite Diamond):

Fluorite crystals form cubes or octahedra and well-formed cubic crystals explode into octahedra. In Triumphant Geometry, the octahedron is categorized by the physical element Air, and the Heart Chakras meaning cubic form symbolize humanity, compassion, the connection between heaven and earth, the natural world, and the cleaning condition of the subject, and it is used to provide relief. emphasis on confusion and clarity.

Diagram. 2: Shows the octahedron crystal shape like as Diamond

  • Cube (Halite Galena Pyrite):

 Cubic cut, lead-gray color, metallic luster, and relative softness easily separate galena from most other metallic minerals. Perhaps the best advantage is the very high density (particularly high gravity). Samples of galena appear to be much heavier than samples of most minerals of the same size, including other metallic minerals. The crystal structure of galena crystals (PBS) and halites (salt or NaCl) is specified, so it does not rule out that the 2 exhibits the same perfect cubic cleavage. The two miners blast out three directions of weakness that used to meet at right angles. Galena has a higher hardness compared to a fingerprint, so it is easily scratched with a nail or metal tool. Galena occurs in low-temperature, medium-temperature hydrothermal shales, in rock formations, in pegmatites, in transformed contact rocks. As a new mineral, galena is often found in sedimentary rocks, halite mainly coming from sea wells. Approximately 90% of the first volume of water must be evaporated before the remaining saltwater concentration is high enough to settle the melt. Thus, significant halite production is usually limited to arid environments, during which seawater inflows are relatively low relative to evaporation losses.

  • Complex (Gamet leucite):

The complex structure is a form of fixed crystal structure, that type of crystals are not break up by nails, steels, and especially weak rocks. We have presented two examples of complex type crystal rocks, such as- Gamet and leucite its may be classified as basaltic rock.

  • Twinned (Staurolite Feldspar):

Twinning, in crystallography, the regular intertwining of two or more crystals breaks the grains so that each grain is a reflection of its neighbor or is surrounded by its own. Other crystalline grains attached to the twins form a crystal grain, often represented by asymmetrically added, sometimes star-shaped or cross-shaped structure. Twinning was often found from the beginning of crystal growth. Gemini individuals have atomic structures with different orientations, but they must have certain common dimensions or directions. They just have to fit in, they have to come out of each other in a simple motion.

  • Prism (Tourmaline Beryl):

A prism is an open egg consisting of three or more parallel faces. Depending on the size of the yard, only one or two toys will fit.

  • Trigonal Prism: 3-

Facing form, with all faces, parallel to the 3-axis rotating axis

  • Ditrigonal Prism: 6-

Fold rotation face with all 6 faces parallel to the axis. Note that the cross-section of this form (shown on the right side of the drawing) is not a hexagon, meaning it does not have 6 times the rotational symmetry.

  • Rhombic Prism: 4

The same shape of all faces in the shape of a face which is not a symmetrical element. In the drawing on the right, the 4 shaded faces correspond to a Rhombic Prism. The other faces in this model are pinakoids (the side faces correspond to one side pin codes, and the top and bottom faces correspond to one top/bottom Pin code).

  • Tetragonal Prism: 4

Facing an open shape with all faces parallel to a 4-fold rotation axis or. The 4 side faces of this model form Tetragonal Prisms. The upper and lower faces form forms called top/bottom pinacoids.

  • Ditetragonal Prism: 8

The shape of the face with all faces parallel to the 4-fold rotation axis. In the drawing, 8 vertical faces form a Ditetragonal Prism.

  • Hexagonal Prism: 6

All faces were faced parallel to the 6-fold rotation axis. The 6 vertical faces in the drawing form a hexagonal prism. Again the top and bottom faces are top/bottom pinacoid forms.

  • Dihexagonal Prism: 12

All faces were faced parallel to the 6-fold rotation axis. Note that a horizontal cross-section of this model will have a clear 12-fold rotation symmetry. The Dihexagonal Prism is the result of glass planes parallel to a 6-fold rotation axis.

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