Categories: General Geography

Planet Earth General Introduction

Planet Earth General Introduction

– Our solar system includes eight planets in which earth is the third from the sun after the mercury and Venus.

– Earth is the only planet in our solar system where life exists.

– As per size earth is the fifth biggest planet after Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Jupiter 43,441mi (69,911km) radius
Saturn 36,184mi (58,232km) radius
Uranus 15,759mi (25,362km) radius
Neptune 15,299mi (24,622km) radius
Earth 3,959mi (6,371km) radius
Venus 3,760mi (6,052km) radius
Mars 2,106mi (3,390km) radius
Mercury 1,516mi (2,440km) radius

-The shape of the earth is Geoid with tilted on its axis of 23 1/2.

Fig 1. View of earth from outer space.

– The Earth is not perfectly spherical. The Earth’s equatorial diameter, at about 12,756 km (7926 mi), is very slightly larger than the polar diameter, which is about 12,714 km (7900 mi).

– At the speed of approximately 107160km per hour, the earth completes a circle (revolution) of the sun in 365-day, 5-hour 48 minutes, and 46 seconds.

– 71% of the earth’s area is covered by ocean and the remaining is covered by landmass (29%).

– every year earth make a two scenario with respect to Sun. Aphelion (in which the distance between earth and sun is far which approximately 150,000,000 km) and perihelion (in which the distance between earth and sun is closest which approximately 147,000,000). The situation of aphelion occurs on the 4th of July and the situation of perihelion occurs on the 3rd of January.

– The situation when the earth and Moon are in the closest orbit path called Perigee and the other hand when the orbital path is far situation known as Apogee.

Earth’s system

Earth’s system includes four Major Sphere Which make earth as a living planet (atmosphere lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere). Interaction part of Atmosphere lithosphere and hydrosphere makes Biosphere region which is living able for the species.

Latitude and Longitudes

Latitude longitudes are used For determine a location on the planet earth.

– The equatorial prime parallel divides the hole earth into two parts northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere.

  The distance between 1 degree Latitude is 111 km (68.9722 miles). And the distance between 1 Degree longitude is 111.32 (69.1710411 miles).

– Latitudes are identified by their angular distance from the Equator, which ranges from 0° to 90°. All

– parallels in the northern hemisphere are described by a north latitude, and all parallels south of the Equator are given as south latitude (N or S).

– Meridians are identified by longitude, which is an angular measure of how far eastward or westward the meridian is from a reference meridian, called the prime meridian. The prime meridian is sometimes known as the Greenwich meridian because it passes through the old Royal Observatory at Greenwich, near London, England.

– 180 degree longitude line is known as International Date line which can be use for determining the time with respect to different continents.

Latitudes             Longitudes

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