69 Köppen Climate Classification: A Guide for Better Understanding Earth’s Climates

Köppen Climate Classification

Introduction: Köppen Climate Classification The Köppen climate classification system is widely used due to its simplicity and accurate representation of the relationship between climate, vegetation, and soil. However, physical scientists may prefer the Thornthwaite system, which provides more detailed information on moisture availability. This is particularly useful in applications such as agriculture, hydrology, and environmental … Read more

42 Air Pollution is One of the Most Serious Problems in the World

Air Pollution

What is Pollution Pollution is described as “the addition or unnecessary addition of such substances to the physical environment (water, air, etc.). it is categorized into Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, radioactive pollution, e-waste pollution, solid waste pollution, thermal pollution, and plastic pollution. In this topic, we will learn something about air … Read more

41 Atmospheric Circulation: General Concepts, Wind System, and Global Atmospheric circulation

Atmospheric circulation

General Introduction: Atmospheric circulation, the general circulation of the Earth, and the flow of air are used to refer to the movement of air in the area around high and low-pressure systems. According to Strahler, 97% of the earth’s atmosphere found at the height of 29km but the limit of atmospheric height goes at the … Read more

Mechanism of Insolation Earth’s Surface


Introduction: The word of Insolation is derived from incoming solar radiation. It calculates the amount of the sun’s energy that is reaching a reflected area of Earth’s atmosphere or surface properties in a given time period. Insolation is an important positive effect in determining the type and extent of vegetation that can immersion, which in … Read more

Structure & Composition of the Atmosphere

Structure & Composition of the Atmosphere The earth is surrounded by many different gases that reach up to a height of many kilometers. According to Strahler, 97% of the earth’s atmosphere found at the height of 29km but the limit of atmospheric height goes at the height of 10,000km. Earth’s atmosphere works like a big … Read more