69 Köppen Climate Classification: A Guide for Better Understanding Earth’s Climates

Köppen Climate Classification

Introduction: Köppen Climate Classification The Köppen climate classification system is widely used due to its simplicity and accurate representation of the relationship between climate, vegetation, and soil. However, physical scientists may prefer the Thornthwaite system, which provides more detailed information on moisture availability. This is particularly useful in applications such as agriculture, hydrology, and environmental … Read more

66 Geography of South America: Important physical geography facts about South America

South America

Introduction The western margins of South America are rimmed by one of the world’s longest and highest mountain ranges, the Andes, a giant wall that extends unbroken from Tierra del Fuego near the continent’s southern tip in Chile to northeastern Venezuela in the far north as if to reaffirm the continent’s northward and eastward orientation. … Read more

61 Geography of North America: Important Geographical Facts

Geography of North America

General introduction North America, which includes Greenland and the Caribbean islands, is the world’s third-biggest continent, covering 9,358,340 square miles (24,238,000 square kilometers). It is entirely located in the Northern Hemisphere. One of the most significant features of the North American mainland, which is wholly located on the North American tectonic plate (Plate Tectonic), is … Read more