Marine Temperature: Introduction
- The oceans absorb most of the heat emitted by greenhouse gases as sea temperatures rise, Rising ocean temperatures affect marine species and ecosystems.
- Rising temperatures lose the farm in the case of coral bleach and marine fish and mammals.
- The rising ocean temperature also affects the benefits that people get from ocean-threatening food security, increasing the prevalence of diseases, and leading to more extreme weather events and loss of coastal protection.
- Achieving the mitigation targets set by the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and limiting global average temperature growth to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels is essential to prevent the huge and irreversible effects of ocean warming on marine ecosystems and their services.
- Scientists are defined that since the 1900s, the world’s ocean level has steadily extended at a rate of at least 0.04 to 0.1 inches per year.
- Establishing marine protected areas and adopting adaptive measures, such as preventive fishing quotas to prevent overfishing, can protect marine ecosystems and protect humans from the effects of ocean warming.

Credit: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/
Fig.1: Show the sea surface temperature (SST) Satellite image from NASA EARTH DATA

Credit: climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/
- Mostly coral and fisheries are found in the nearby tropical cancer line because there are atmosphere is very suitable for those ones. but nowadays, the temperature is being to increased very fastly, consequence marine animals are suffering lot’s of disease and who can not far away from that place, they are got to die, due to it, the problem has become to very hard for marine animals.
Marine Temperature: Threatening Issues
- Due to the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the ocean absorbs a lot of heat, mainly from the consumption of fossil fuels. The “Fifth Assessment Report” released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2013 showed that since the 1970s, the ocean has absorbed more than 93% of greenhouse gas emissions. This causes the ocean temperature to rise.
- According to data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DATA), the global average sea level temperature (a few meters above sea level) has increased by about 0.13°C every ten years in the past 100 years. A research paper published in the “Geophysical Research Letters” in 2012 showed that the inland sea was also affected, with one-third of the excess heat absorbed below 700 meters above sea level. The model research published in the 2013 IPCC report predicts that by 2100, the global average sea temperature may rise by 1-4°C.
- The ocean’s ability to absorb excess heat protects humans from the effects of climate change. Without this ocean buffer, the global temperature rise would far exceed the level so far. The fourth assessment report issued by the IPCC in 2007 estimated that since the 1970s.
- The earth has experienced a warming of 0.55°C. According to an analysis by the Grantham Institute, if the amount of heat entering the top 2,000 m of the ocean between 1955 and 2010 is the same, but entering 10 km below the atmosphere, the earth will be 36 times warmer. ℃.
Marine Temperature: Threatening Importance
Ocean warming causes oxygen scavenging (decreasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the ocean) and rising sea levels, resulting in thermal expansion of seawater and melting of continental ice. Rising temperatures, along with ocean acidification (lowering the pH of the ocean due to CO2 absorption), affect marine species and ecosystems, and thus the fundamental benefits of the human ocean.
- Impact on marine species and ecosystems: Saltwater fish, seabirds, and marine mammals all demand favorable environmental conditions for their species and therefore face very high risks of elevated temperatures, including high levels of mortality, loss of breeding grounds, and mass migration. Coral reefs are also affected by rising temperatures, causing coral bleaching and increasing the risk of death.
- Impact on humans: A 2012 report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that marine and freshwater fisheries and aquaculture provide 4.3 billion people with about 15% of their animal protein.
- Fishing and aquaculture are also a source of income for millions of people around the world. By altering the distribution of fish stocks and increasing the vulnerability of fish species to disease, ocean warming poses a serious risk to food security and people’s livelihoods globally.
- Economic losses related to warming oceans are likely to range from tens to hundreds of millions of dollars.
- Growing vegetation also affects the vegetation and species that form coral reefs, such as coral and mangroves, which protect the coasts from erosion and rising sea levels. Rising sea levels and erosion will have a special impact on island countries in the Mediterranean, destroying homes and infrastructure and forcing people to relocate.
- Rising temperatures on the sea surface are creating more severe hurricanes and exacerbating El Nino events, causing droughts and floods. This could have significant socio-economic and health consequences in some parts of the world.
Warm sea temperatures are associated with the growth and spread of disease among marine species. There is a risk of direct transmission of these diseases from the human diet or wound infection in the marine environment.
Marine Temperature: Mitigation and its Protection
- Limiting greenhouse gas emissions: The Paris Agreement on climate change is in dire need of meeting the emission reduction goals set, and the global industrial average temperature needs to be below 2 ° C above the pre-industrial level. This will help prevent the significant and irreversible impact of rising temperatures on the marine environment and its services.
- Protecting marine and coastal ecosystems: Well-managed areas can help protect and preserve ecological and biological marine habitats. It controls the movement of people in these cities and prevents environmental pollution. (Marine Ecosystem )
- Restoring marine and coastal ecosystems: You can restore elements of the ecosystem that have already been damaged. This may include man-made structures such as rock pools that are other places for animals. Alternatively, it may help increase species resilience in summer temperatures through aided regeneration technology.
- Improving human adaptation: The government may introduce a policy to keep fish production within a fixed range, for example, by placing restrictions on keeping precautions and to avoid the subsidy being scrapped. Coastal shock zones that restrict the development of all or some particular type of beach can reduce flooding and damage caused by coastal rodents. New monitoring tools can be developed to predict and control the spread of marine diseases.
- Strengthening scientific research: Governments can increase investment in scientific research to measure and monitor ocean warming and its effects. It will provide more accurate data on the scale, nature, and effects of ocean warming, allowing it to develop and implement adequate and relevant mitigation and optimization strategies.