Great Conjunction Jupiter Saturn (Christmas star)
- One of the important astronomical events will take place on the night of 21 December 2020.
- Jupiter and Saturn two gas giants of the solar system will be just at 0.06 degrees apart, which forming an incredible event for the astrologers known as “Double planet”.
- The last time they were so close back on July 16, 1623, 800 years later, almost four centuries ago.
- Double planet (The term of the double planet is described as an astrological term in which two planets orbits each other about a common center of mass that is not located within the interior of either planet).
- Jupiter takes 11.86 years for the revolution and on the other hand, Saturn takes 29.5 years for the revolution.
- The conjunction situation between Jupiter and Saturn takes place periodically approximately every 19 – 20 years and seven months. 21 December conjunction is very special because at this time they will be just 0.06 degrees apart.
- The last time great conjunction happened back on March 4, 1226.

Location of the View
- The view of great conjunction is visible across the world. The best view will be seen in the equatorial region.
- Conjunction starts at 16 of December but the great conjunction will take place on the date of 21 of December 2020.
- If you miss the great astronomical phenomena be ready and set a reminder for the next time will be on March 15, 2089
- The great conjunction is also called heliocentric conjunction
Some Knowledge about Jupiter & Saturn

- Jupiter is known as the biggest planet in the solar system. For more knowledge about the solar system go through the Solar System: A General Introduction.
- It takes approx. 11.86 years for orbiting the sun (revolution).
- Most numbers of natural satellites are found on Jupiter. Jupiter’s, as well as the biggest natural satellite of our solar system Ganymede, is found on Jupiter.
- Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa are the main natural satellite of Jupiter.
- The planet Jupiter is discovered by Sir Galileo
- Jupiter is also known as Master of Gods
- Nasa launched a satellite mission named Juno for the study of Jupiter in 2011.

- The second biggest planet of the solar system is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium.
- Saturn’s upper atmosphere is covered by ammonia that why it appears blue.
- Every 14.7 years after there are phenomena that happened on Saturn in which the rings of Saturn look Missing which is known as ring crossing.
- It takes approx. 29 years for orbiting the sun.
- Titan is the biggest natural satellite of Saturn.
- It’s the last solar system planet which can be seen from the earth by naked eyes.